A small selection of conversations with Swamiji about different subjects. Swamiji speaks in Hindi and subtitles are available in English and French.
There is an Awareness within you that allows everything to happen, that allows all actions to take place, through the body, mind, senses, and so on. All actions happen due to this Awareness. But forgetting this, one takes oneself to be the body, mind, intellect, ego, and one believes "I am doing everything".
When a spiritual practitioner meditates, repeats a mantra, focuses on the breath, or does any other spiritual practice, all this helps to calm down the mind. It purifies the mind. It stills the intellect. So all these techniques help us.
Chanting the mantra Om is the best technique that one can practice to make the mind calm. Because it naturally helps one to unite with one's own true nature.
Spiritual practice is for training oneself, for discovering oneself, for training the mind. Spiritual practice is necessary for this. So that I can be established in myself. So that I can study myself and discover what is within, not what is outside, so that I can know myself…
The nature of Knowledge is Sat Cit Ananda. Man always looks for bliss and peace outside, but in reality, Bliss and Peace are only to be found by staying still in the Self. So, turning inwards from outside, towards oneself, is true Knowledge. To turn inwards, away from everything external where one generally seeks peace and happiness, with the help of the right understanding and reflection, discrimination and knowledge, to turn within oneself, to one’s true abode, meaning to be still in the Self, that is true Knowledge.
Your true nature is Bliss and Peace. So, when the mind is empty, when you are free of ego, then you are closest to your true nature. When you are close to the Self, then for no reason, laughter comes out on its own.
Taking the non-Self to be the Self is ignorance. That which is ever-changing, like the body, the mind and the intellect, is called the non-Self. And one takes all this to be real.
By practicing Self-Inquiry, by contemplating on the Self, the right knowledge and understanding will set in. And this will make the intellect still. The constant wandering of the mind will stop because it will know for sure that wherever it goes, I am not that, because all of this is ever-changing.
Your true nature is Bliss and Peace. So, when the mind is empty, when you are free of ego, then you are closest to your true nature. When you are close to the Self, then for no reason, laughter comes out on its own.
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Swami Shashwat Ji
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